
Archive for September, 2019

Foods that look like the organs they are good for?
Foods that look like the organs they are good for?

Here’s an interesting infograph which says that certain foods and herbs are beneficial for the organs that they look a bit like. This is a very old theory from way back in Galen’s day called the Doctrine of Signatures. When you look at a sliced carrot it does look a little like an iris of […]

What’s all the fuss about personalised nutrition? What is Metabolic Balance? ‘Simple blood test could help millions of Australians lose weight!’ As seen on channel seven national news this week Nationally
What’s all the fuss about personalised nutrition? What is Metabolic Balance? ‘Simple blood test could help millions of Australians lose weight!’ As seen on channel seven national news this week Nationally
This is the unique and personalised Nutritonal Programme I offer - Metabolic Balance has finally hit the news 2/9/19 tonight! It’s just the best! Restore your health, wellbeing and energy & reach your healthy weight! ? Ph 0439828669 or book in (https://balancedhealthnaturally.setmore.com) for a FREE 15 minute phone consult to find out how it can [...]
Have you ever had your irises read?
Have you ever had your irises read?

? If you have never had your irises read this intriguing modality is part of an initial Naturopathic Consult whereby certain patterns, colors and signs can indicate inherited and acquired health nurture points for you! ? It really adds to the whole picture of what is going on for your health so that an appropriate care plan […]

The why behind my business name! – Balanced Health Naturally
The why behind my business name! – Balanced Health Naturally

The why behind my business name – Balanced Health Naturally ? ? I chose this name because it embodies what I hope to achieve with my clients who choose me to help support and empower them back to better health with dietary/ lifestyle changes and maybe some Nutritonal/herbal medicines to coax the body back to balance ? ? We […]

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